Local Solutions Board of Directors

Dee Karnofsky, President. Artist, advocate, and parent of a disabled young adult. Bar Harbor, Maine.

Sharon Knopp, Vice President / Treasurer. Retired speech/language pathologist; parent of a disabled young adult. Bar Harbor, Maine.

Roberta Raymond, Secretary. Retired special education teacher at MDI High School; parent of a disabled young adult. Trenton, Maine.

Enoch Albert, Retired RN; member of MDI Hospital’s Hospice and Palliative Care Committee; parent of a disabled young adult. Bar Harbor, Maine.

Erica Merrill, Retired special education ed tech III at Mt Desert Elementary School. Northeast Harbor, Maine.

Carmen Sanford, Retired practice manager and medical assistant for MDI Hospital’s Women’s Health Center; trustee of the Somesville Union Meeting House. Mount Desert, Maine.

Mary Swift,  Jeweler; potter; retired special education ed tech III; teaches crafts to people with disabilities. Southwest Harbor, Maine.